Kansas City Shuffle Page 4
“Take off your clothes, please. I want to see you.”
Jared obeyed, but slowly. He stripped off his suit coat and then his tie, which he wrapped around his hand and looked at her with the devil in his eye. Her breath hitched at the thought of being tied to the bed.
“Later,” he whispered again, sending her pulse into overdrive at the implicit promise in his word.
Jared then reached for the buttons on his shirt and slowly unbuttoned each one.
Larissa lay on the bed eager to reach for him, but knowing that he wanted to do this for her, that he was enjoying her reaction as much as she was enjoying the show. So she lay there and stroked him with her gaze, eager for the revealing of every inch of his skin.
His wide shoulders and smooth, hairless chest took her breath away. He stripped his shirt off and tossed it somewhere behind him, and the muscles throughout his chest rippled with the movement. Six-pack abs proved to her that he was no stranger to physical labor. When he reached for the buckle on his pants, she sucked in her breath sharply.
He stopped for a moment and grinned. She rubbed her legs together and gave a small mew of need, her gaze meeting his.
She didn't know how, but before she realized it, he was completely naked and lying on the bed beside her. His hand cupped her chin and pulled her face to his to meet his lips in a kiss that tore her world apart.
She'd known this man for less than four hours, and here she was in bed with him, already having experienced the two most incredible orgasms she'd ever had in her life. She felt more in tune with him than she'd ever felt with anyone else, and wanted nothing more than to stay with him as long as he would take her.
And his kiss. His kiss promised her the world. He kissed her as though she meant everything to him, and he would do anything to keep her at his side. As though he needed her taste for his very survival and nothing was going to tear them apart. By the time he released her lips, she was halfway in love with him and tears had popped into the corners of her eyes.
“How did you do that?” she asked, overwhelmed with sensations and feelings.
He shook his head. “I want you to know how I feel. It doesn't matter to me that we've only just met. I want you, desire you, need you, Larissa Myles. I only hope that I meet your expectations.”
Larissa nearly laughed at that thought, but he was so serious, her amusement died down instantly. She reached up to stroke his face. “Jared, you have already surpassed anything I would have ever expected, just being who and the way you are. Trust me, there is no way in this world that you could disappoint me.”
A cloud ran past his eyes but was gone before she could ask him what was wrong. Instead, he bowed his head and took a nipple into his mouth.
Instantly she forgot the shadow behind his eyes and instead concentrated on the sensations he caused in her body. He teased her with his tongue, circling the nipple, wetting it, and then blowing on it softly. The tip hardened, sending shafts of pleasure down her breast, and she arched, trying to get closer to Jared.
His gentle teasing of her breasts had her panting and silently begging for more. He continued playing with her nipple, caressing her breast with one hand, his other hand sliding down between her legs to stroke her there. A shudder ran through her body at his touch. She was eager for more, but she knew she was too close to her previous orgasm, and if she let him play she'd come again, too soon. She wanted to feel, experience more before another orgasm overtook her.
Once again she wrapped her hands in his long, beautiful hair, holding tight, but this time pulling him away from her. “I want to taste you.” The words that came out of her mouth were raspy, as though she had little breath left in her body.
He looked up at her and whispered, “Later,” a twinkle in his eye revealing his knowledge of what that one word did to her.
Instead he continued his ministrations, stroking, caressing, kissing her all over until she was a bundle of nerves about ready to snap.
“Jared, please. Nightstand.”
Jared looked up at her, confusion in his eyes, only for them to clear quickly. “Are you ready for me?”
Larissa groaned, “Please.” She was more than ready. Hell, if it hadn't been for the fact she'd just met the man, she'd have been willing to forgo the damn condoms, she was so ready. The Pill didn't protect her from everything, though.
He reached for the bed table drawer and took out the large box of condoms she had there. He raised an eyebrow. She blushed. “My mother. She threw them in the suitcase. She was hoping I'd get lucky. The valet put them in there when he unpacked.”
Jared smiled. “Well, we'll see what we can do about putting a dent in the box tonight.”
Larissa knew she couldn't keep the shock, and skepticism, from her face. It was a megapack. She hadn't known they made boxes that large until she'd found it in her case.
“Just kidding, Larissa. Even I don't have that much stamina.”
Larissa felt the heat of her blush creep on her face as he opened the box.
“Can I put it on?” she asked him as he ripped open the condom package.
Jared glanced up and handed her the open wrapper before moving back to give her room.
He hadn't allowed her to touch much of his body while he'd been pleasuring her, so Larissa took advantage of her opportunity and reached out to touch his beautiful chest.
It was hard sculpted, but his muscles flickered at her touch. Such a smooth chest didn't belong on a man, but it felt wonderful as she stroked it. She ran her empty hand up his pecs, over his shoulders, and down his arms to cup his hand.
Glancing quickly at him to see his reaction, she brought his hand up and gently kissed his palm, laying her cheek in it for a moment as she savored what they had done and were about to do.
Looking down again, she gently grabbed hold of his cock and stroked it up and down. He was smooth and soft. And uncut. She'd never had a lover before who hadn't been circumcised. His skin moved with a looseness she wasn't used to, but underneath was as hard as she needed. Wanting to take her time and explore him, she started to put the package on the bed.
He stopped her with his hand and a groan. “Rissa, honey, I promise you can explore later. But right now, if I don't get inside you, I am going to explode. Please.”
Larissa opened her mouth in an O. She hadn't even thought about how long he'd been aroused. Her “sorry” was low and embarrassed.
“Oh, honey, it gives me pleasure to know you want to touch me. I promise you can. Later.”
She'd never be able to hear that word again without her body being flooded with promises of pleasures to come.
Jared took the condom out of her hand and gently urged her to lie back down on the bed. He quickly sheathed his cock and positioned himself between her legs.
Slowly he pushed into her, his eyes locked onto her face.
She felt each centimeter as he stretched her body, pushing his way in. He filled her like she'd never been filled before, making her feel as though she were a virgin all over again.
Her pussy wrapped around his cock, holding it tight in her inner walls. She draped her legs around his ass, eager to keep him buried within her.
He leaned on his arms, letting little of his weight on her. Once he was seated fully, he stayed there for a moment, staring into her eyes. He brushed back a curl of her hair that had fallen over her eye. “Are you okay?” he whispered.
“Oh yeah. More than okay.” Larissa tilted her head. “Jared, I'm not a virgin, you know.”
“I know. I just want to savor the moment.”
With that, he closed his eyes and slowly pulled out before pushing his way back in.
Larissa was in heaven. There was no other way to describe it as she arched back and grabbed hold of his arms while he pumped her. With each push, her body reacted to his presence, shivers running through her, deep inside her soul.
She tightened her legs around him, meeting him thrust for thrust. Her orgasm built too slowly to satisfy her. She want
ed more, and she wanted it now. Her release was just out of her reach, as though teasing her with its promise.
She whimpered, but Jared continued his slow pace, making love to her deeply and intensely. The buildup continued. The pressure wrapped her in a cocoon of need and sensations until she felt ready to cry from the tension.
When her orgasm came, it crawled through her and crashed like a wave rushing over her body. It dragged her down to a point of breathlessness and ecstasy.
His shout of joy followed hers as they collapsed together, breathing heavily. When he rolled off her, he kept hold of her and pulled her tight against him.
* * * * *
Larissa woke to a hand stroking her back, and she cuddled back into it.
“You stretch like a contented cat. Are you a happy little pussy?”
His voice ran through her, warming her. She purred and snuggled back more.
“What are your plans for the day?” He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her back against him.
“I don't know yet. I haven't decided what I want to do. Susan suggested something about local museums.”
“How about the art museum? Would you like to go with me?”
Larissa turned around to face Jared. “Why would you want to do that?”
Jared smiled, and his face lit up. Her heart tripped at the sight. “A couple reasons. I love art, the museum here is a pretty nice one, and I would love to spend the rest of the day with you.”
“Yes, really. Maybe I can convince you to spend the night with me as well.”
Larissa felt the smile on her own face disappear as she realized what she had done to herself.
“What? What's wrong, Rissa?”
She bit her lip. “Um, about tonight.”
Jared tilted his head, looking concerned, and then he smiled. “Another date?”
Larissa looked down, heat rushing to her face. How could she have forgotten about the man from yesterday? She pulled out of Jared's arms and sat up, turning her back to him.
“Rissa? Come on, talk to me.”
Maybe if she just said it fast, it wouldn't come out so bad. It wouldn't sound so slutty. “I'm sorry, Jared, but I have another date tonight.”
“Someone important?”
“No, I just met him yesterday.”
“Can you break it?”
Larissa shook her head. “No. I don't know how to contact him.”
Jared sat up and leaned against her. “Do you want to break it?”
Did she want to? She'd just had the most wonderful night she could ever imagine with a man who she seemed to click with in all ways, and here she was thinking of another one. Another man who had made her blood boil as quickly as had Jared, one who made her want to explore the sensations as she had with Jared.
“No.” Her response was soft and low, and she wasn't sure he could hear her. When he grasped her chin gently and turned her to face him again, she was sure he hadn't.
“What was that?”
“No. I don't want to cancel it.”
The smile that came across his face confused her. Was he glad she had another date scheduled? Did it get him out of spending more time with her? But then why did he ask to spend it with her? It wasn't as if she expected it.
“Then don't.”
“Excuse me?”
He stroked his thumb over her lips, and her tongue darted out to taste it as it ran past. Here it came, the brush-off.
“First off, last night was incredible. I can't tell you how incredible it was for me.”
Incredible, yes. But not permanent, or even long lasting.
“But we didn't agree to exclusivity before we climbed into bed. I have no right to expect you to drop this date just because of what happened last night. You're on vacation; you have the right to do what you want. Am I disappointed? Definitely. But instead of dwelling on it, I plan on doing my damnedest to make sure I'm never far from your thoughts even while you are making love to him tonight.”
Larissa wasn't sure what to think. She hadn't made any promises, and neither had he. And she really didn't want to cancel tonight's date, but suddenly she didn't want to lose Jared either.
Then his words sunk in.
“I didn't say I was going to sleep with him. It's not like I jump from one guy's bed to another.”
“Why shouldn't you? You have no one special waiting for you at home. You have no one you have to answer to. You have you. As long as you're careful, and you aren't hurting anyone, do what you want.”
Larissa nodded. Okay, she got the hint. She hadn't expected vows of undying love, but she hadn't expected him to be this blasé. It was only what she deserved. She started to climb off the bed. “Okay. Well, thanks. Last night was fun. I appreciate it.”
The arm that wrapped around her waist and pulled her back threw her off balance until she was lying on the bed once again, this time with Jared hovering over her.
“What do you think you're doing?”
“I was going to go take a shower and let you get dressed so you could leave.”
His glower made her heart jump in fear first, and then all she wanted to do was rub it away. His words, though, stopped her from moving. “What makes you think I wanted to leave?”
She shook her head. “You just said no promises were made. That I was free to be with whom I wanted.”
“I also said that I planned on making sure you were thinking of me tonight.”
Larissa couldn't help it; she smiled, close to laughter. “Have much of an ego there?” His growl sent shivers through her body.
“I think after last night, it's more than just ego speaking, don't you?”
“Anyway, I don't mind sharing. In fact, I rather like the idea.”
What? Did he just say what she thought she heard him say? “Excuse me?”
“This guy you're going to see tonight. Does he turn you on? Do you want to be with him?”
“Just because someone turns you on doesn't mean you should sleep with them.”
“You did me.”
“That was different.”
“How so?”
How did she explain to this naked man looming above her that she couldn't have not slept with him last night? It had nothing to do with him practically rescuing her; it was more that she just had to make love to him. Her body called out to him, it had craved his touch, and the more she got to know him throughout the evening, the more she'd wanted him.
She shook her head. “There was something more there. I can't explain it.”
“And do you feel this moreness with this other man?”
“Yes. No. I don't know. I haven't had a chance to get to know him yet. And I can't have this conversation with you naked on top of me.”
He grinned and readjusted his lower body to straddle her. He brushed his now-hard cock against her. “Why not? I told you I don't mind sharing.”
“I've never.”
His grin grew larger. “Is that a challenge?”
“Why? Have you?” She couldn't help it, but her heart tripped a little at the thought.
“Would it change your opinion of me if I said I had?”
“That depends.” Larissa narrowed her gaze. “Was it two women or two men?”
“What difference does it make?”
Larissa knew it shouldn't make a difference, but it did. The thought of him and another man making love to a woman disturbed her, but not so much as the thought of two women making love to him. The green-eyed monster reared its ugly head.
She had no right to be jealous, none at all, but there it was. Jealousy full-blown, and now impossible to get rid of.
She tried to fake her way out of it. “It doesn't matter. Like you said, you have no one to answer to.”
“But does it bother you?”
“Can we really not have this discussion right now?” She was very conscious of the fact that he was lying on top of her, both of them completely naked, and he wa
s still as hard as a rock.
He bent his head down and kissed her shoulder, then worked his way across her collarbone, laying little kisses as he moved. “I don't know. It might be important.”
Larissa gasped when he moved quickly to a breast and sucked a nipple into his mouth. “It's not important. Really.”
Jared licked at her breast, teasing the nipple to a hard peak. “But it matters to me. Which would you prefer? Or which would bother you? The thought of me sharing a woman with another man? Or two wom—”
“Stop. Okay. You win. I don't like the thought of you with two women, okay?”
Jared stopped and looked up at her. “Why not?”
Larissa closed her eyes, not believing she was about to be as honest as she was with a man she had known for such a short time. “Because it's not something I can give you. I'm not comfortable with it.”
She knew it was stupid. It wasn't like they were planning a future together. Hell, they hadn't even decided if they were spending the day together, never mind another night together. But it still bothered her.
“But what about the other?” He resumed his attentions to her nipple, bringing it to a hard peak once again. Shivers ran up and down her spine when he nibbled at her breast, working his way to the other one. She held back her groan and instead tried to concentrate on what he was saying.
“What other?”
His hand snaked its way down to her pussy, where he slid a finger into her before answering, “Would you do a threesome with two guys? With me, and maybe this man from tonight.”
He pulled his now-wet hand from her and grabbed one of the loose packages still lying on the bed and put a condom on. When he spread her legs and slid into her, she moaned in satisfaction as he filled her.
“Is that a yes?”
He slowly pulled out and then pushed back into her before responding. “Is that a yes? To the thought of two men making love to you at once?”
Larissa couldn't have stopped it if she knew it was going to happen, but her inner muscles tightened on him at his words. His smile said all he needed to say.
“Hey, that doesn't mean I want it.” She tried to keep the thread of conversation going, but her body was reacting to him and distracting her.